So I play on A LOT of servers BUT, Lifeboat has TOO MANY hackers! They fly and people cant even kill them! Plus TOO MANY like people who need like boyfriends and girlfriends! They might not even know each other in real life! What is this? A dating server? I DONT EVEN THINK THAT DATING IS EVEN ALOUD IN MINECRAFT! People are just like,"Oh hey look a server! Lets hack and get a girlfriend/boyfriend! I dont care if this is even a game for like 7,8 year olds!", THAT IS JUST, I DONT EVEN! And another thing, TOO MANY SWEAR WORDS! THEY SAY LIKE WORDS LIKE THE F WORD B WORD S WORD etc. THEIR ARE LIKE PEOPLE WHO LIKE JUST STAY AT SPAWN AND GET A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND AND JUST BLA BLA BLA! SO HOW IS THIS EVEN ALOUD FOR KIDS! MINECARFT IS SUPPOSED TO BE A FAMILY FRIENDLY GAME BUT SERIOUSLY WHY!? PEOPLE just LOVE things like the idea of boyfriends,girlfriends, and like romantic comedies or movies or something! ITS NOT LIKE IN A MOVIE WHERE YOU JUST STRAIGHT UP TELL THEM THEIR "BEAUTIFUL" AND THEN BAM THEY GET MARRIED OR SOMETHING! IM JUST TRYING TO BE SERIOUS HERE! IM NOT BEING MEAN OR ANYTHING ALL I WANT TO SAY THAT LIFEBOAT IS JUST INAPPROPRIATE! ONE MORE THING, IT CRASHES! IN MINECRAFT IN SINGLE PLAYER MODE IT DOESNT CRASH! SO 2/5 STARS!
Crassssssssshhhhhhhh about Lifeboat+, v2.1.0