My goodness this game is inappropriate. I love lifeboat servers.. But if you dont have it on mute, your bound to see some inappropriate content. I realize you are trying to work on it, for many words are banned, but seriously you need to actually ban certain users! Many people also recognize the banned words and decide to say stuff like (b)(f) instead of straight out saying bf and getting their message blocked.. There is like a .1% chance of people on this game actually meeting up with their "bf or gf" Like what has even happened to minecraft? Some people want to just play sg.. Not see you talk about having kids (completely inappropriate and disgustingly disturbing) and dating. Most people on this server are ages 7 through 14 and no 14 year old kid is going to date a random person they found on a video game.. It literally drives me crazy because people are always like hey b***h and all that crap.. Like we dont need to hear you call others names when really your annoying everyone so badly they are badly wishing you would be ban. Some people are plainly disturbing and disgusting and just need to leave and come back when they know how to recognize their fowl language when the majority of people on the server are ages 7 through 11, I mean.. Seriously?!
Kenzie_birdie about Lifeboat+